The following operations are supported. For a formal definition,
please review the
Service Description.
Web Service Links
Namespace Children of ::biz
Namespace Code for ::biz
namespace eval ::biz {
variable bindMap { EchoInvoiceOperation}
variable binding soap::documentLiteral
variable bindingName bizSoapBind
variable documentLinks {config ::biz simpleTypes ::wsdb::types::biz complexTypes ::wsdb::elements::biz messages ::wsdb::messages::biz operations ::wsdb::operations::biz portTypes ::wsdb::portTypes::biz port ::wsdb::ports::bizPort binding ::wsdb::bindings::bizSoapBind service ::wsdb::services::bizService server ::wsdb::servers::bizServer}
variable elements
set elements(EchoInvoiceRequest) {EchoInvoiceRequest!elements::biz::invoice EchoInvoiceRequest}
set elements(invoice) {{
set elements(items) {{
{Item!elements::biz::item {maxOccurs 10}}
set elements(address) {{
set elements(EchoInvoiceResponse) {EchoInvoiceResponse!elements::biz::invoice EchoInvoiceResponse}
set elements(item) {{
variable frozen 0
variable host
variable hostHeader
variable hostHeaderList
variable operation EchoInvoiceOperation
variable operations EchoInvoiceOperation
variable port 80
variable portName bizPort
variable portType bizPortType
variable protocol https
variable schemaIsInitialized 1
variable serverName bizServer
variable serviceName bizService
variable showDocument 1
variable soapActionBase
variable targetNamespace
variable tclNamespace ::biz
variable types
variable url /twist/biz/
variable xmlPrefix biz
Procedures in ::biz
proc ::biz::EchoInvoice {
} {
return $Invoice